Live In God’s Faith

“And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead…Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped.” – Job 1:19-20 (KJV)

God loves our sincere worship, and while we might find it difficult to emulate Job’s attitude in the midst of adversity, it’s critical as a believer to trust God even when you cannot comprehend what He is doing in your life. 

Indeed, the tempest wind may blow and create serious turmoil but never doubt for one moment that God is not in charge or He doesn’t care. Today, mental health has gripped the hearts and attention of the world and does not respect religion, status, or gender. Only the grace of God can preserve us from this plague and give us the strength to cope (if suffering with the same).

Our faith in God is on trial, and therefore, it is incumbent upon us to remain in a positive attitude with our loving Father. When my beloved was viciously attacked with mental health issues, I felt like a volcano had erupted in my home. I quickly resorted to the higher source and began to worship rather than complain or become angry. Brethren, God gave me peace of mind and strength to stand through it all.

King David understood the importance and power of worship, and whenever he found himself in trying times, worship arose from the inside of him and gave him the courage to continue his journey (Psalm 18:6). My faith in God has caused my eyes to behold my loved one’s health restored fifty percent and, in God’s time, it will be a hundred percent. 

You may have numerous questions. That’s fine, but just understand God knows best, and He is working everything out for His glory and greater purpose. Have faith in God, and He will see you through. Blessed be the name of the Lord. 

Read: Psalm 89:1; Matthew 15:28

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 83; Acts 28:1-16; 2 Kings 19:14-37; 2 Kings 20

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